Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Television is a break for mommy!

So here is litte Ammy watching those cute creatures known as the Backyardigans. I know some might not let thier kids watch t.v., but for the Goeckeritz household it is a different story. Thanks to Dora and Diego Ammon is now counting in Spansh and English. He will also say help me in Spanish at random moments. It is so cute. I am truly thankful for the moments when Ammon is entertained by some t.v. I can then have a little time to myself. His new fav's are Curious George and The Land Before Time. He loves to pretend he is a Sharp tooth. It is soooo friggen cute. Ammon had his first sleep over a couple of weeks ago. I can't believe how big he is getting. He had a great time. I was afraid I would get a call in the middle of the night telling me to come get him. Ammon loves his friend Meric. I am so greatful for all his friends and their mommies. Ammon is almost 3 years old. He is the smartest little demon I have ever met. I am truly blessed to be his Mom.