So our house has been on the market since November. We are trying to sell the dang thing so we can move out with Amy and Blake in Saratoga Springs. They are going to charge us only$600.00 a month for a year or two so we can save up some money to either build or buy our dream home. I am starting to get frustrated. I swear I am constantly cleaning my brains out. Last night we were supposed to have people come through so we cleaned only to have them not show up. Bollucks! When will the blessed day come that we wash our hands of this cute little house to move on to something more fitted for our family? If ya know any buyers send them our way! We are asking $265,000. What a great deal! Thanks a million....
Thursday, April 24, 2008
House help!
Posted by Nicole Goeckeritz at 11:39 AM 4 comments
Goeckeritz Look-alike Meter
MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celeb - Collage - Morph
Posted by Nicole Goeckeritz at 11:38 AM 1 comments
Goeckeritz Look-alike Meter
MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities - Collage - Morph
Posted by Nicole Goeckeritz at 11:29 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Brian and I went on a much needed vacation to Las Vegas at the end of Feb. We had so much fun. It was our first time gambling together. What a riot. I can see how people get addicted to that stuff. I didn't win any money but we sure had fun losing it. As you can tell I got a little sunburned. We were also there for a softball tournament. Brian and I are doing so great. Our marriage has never been better. He is working on his first Novel right now and that takes alot out of him. He hopes to have it done by August 2008. I really hope that someone will pick it up and publish it. If it gets published you all better buy that sucker up. I will even have him sign it for you! You watch he will be famous some day. I am famous in my own way I guess. I am the teller trainer for the oldest credit union in Utah, so that is exciting. I love my job at work and at home. I love being a mom and am excited to have one more baby some day. After that I think we will be done. I decided that I am going to run in a Marathon with a couple of other co-workers. I am so nervous, but excited. I have never done anything like this. Hopefully I will make it without dropping dead. It is Playoff time right now and I am totally psyched about our rockin Jazz!!!! Keep your socks on kids cuz they might just blowum away....
Posted by Nicole Goeckeritz at 10:52 AM 0 comments
The happiest baby ever!
Little Sabrie is now 6 Months old! Holy Moly how time flies. This baby is so amazing. She loves toys, rolling all over and her brother. She sat for the first time yesterday 04/22/08 all by herself. It made me so excited. Sabrie has many nicknames we call her little Lu Lu, Lulabella, bella, bellsy, and princess. She is the light of my life. I have never met a happier baby. We found out yesterday that she has ecxema, poopy! It is all over her arms and tummy. Poor lady. We got some cream, hopefully it will take it away. Maybe if I ask Criss Angel he could get us some magic ecxema remover cream with fairy dust!
Posted by Nicole Goeckeritz at 9:16 AM 1 comments
Television is a break for mommy!
So here is litte Ammy watching those cute creatures known as the Backyardigans. I know some might not let thier kids watch t.v., but for the Goeckeritz household it is a different story. Thanks to Dora and Diego Ammon is now counting in Spansh and English. He will also say help me in Spanish at random moments. It is so cute. I am truly thankful for the moments when Ammon is entertained by some t.v. I can then have a little time to myself. His new fav's are Curious George and The Land Before Time. He loves to pretend he is a Sharp tooth. It is soooo friggen cute. Ammon had his first sleep over a couple of weeks ago. I can't believe how big he is getting. He had a great time. I was afraid I would get a call in the middle of the night telling me to come get him. Ammon loves his friend Meric. I am so greatful for all his friends and their mommies. Ammon is almost 3 years old. He is the smartest little demon I have ever met. I am truly blessed to be his Mom.
Posted by Nicole Goeckeritz at 8:50 AM 0 comments