Thursday, May 29, 2008

The new news!

So yesterday our house went under contract. Awesome!!!! Hope fully all will go well and we will be able to move out on june 28th. So all those who have trucks beware... A little update on the Goeckeritz family. Ammon had his tonsils and Adnoids out a couple of weeks ago and it was an awful experience, the poor little guy didn't eat for two weeks. And he was just miserable. We didn't get any sleep either. It was the worst when we had to give him meds, he would freak out and so we would have to hold him down and force it down his throat. He would cry and cry. I felt like the worst mom in the world. Here was this little boy in so much pain and I felt like I was abusing him. Then after about a week of not pooping he tried to pinch one out and couldn't so we had to give him an enema. Talk about a rough two weeks for us. He is feeling much better this week but still has a hard time sleeping at night. I think he sleeps with his mouth open and it makes his throat dry out and hurt. He wakes up screaming. Lord it is hard being a parent sometimes. I can't even imagine what it would be like to have a child with an illness beyond a minor surgery. How do they do it? I feel so weak sometimes.

The kids started a new daycare this week alot closer to home, no more driving out to Magna and then back to West Jordan before work every morning woo hoo! I felt bad changing them but Ammon has other kids to play with and that has been so beneficial for him. They even do little art and music projects. Sabrie is as cute as ever. She has stolen my heart. I am so thankful for that baby. I can't imagine life without her. I had a dream the other night that I supposed to have another one and I actually want to. But I don't want to be prego... Poop. Plus Brian said we should wait until we are into a new house, so maybe another year or two. Well enough is enough. Go Jazz, oh wait they broke my heart....

Friday, May 9, 2008

The spring walks of the Goeckeritz crew

We love going for walks no that the weather has gotten a little better. This is our walking attire. Sabrie loves to stare at all the amazing things on the outside world. It is so funny to watch her see new things. She is so bright and loves life. Ammon discovered a lady bug the other day and now he talks about them all the time. There is nothing better than taking a few minutes out of a day to gather up the family and get some fresh air. I have also been running alot. I am starting to like it, who knew? I ran the farthest I have ever run straight on tuesday, 2.60 miles. I was so proud of myself. Then I started thinking that the marathon I am striving for in September is way longer than that 2.60 miles. Dang I gotta work reallllllyyy hard. I am steppin it up to atleast to 3 miles today. We will see what happens, hopefully my muffin top reduces in size. hehehe....

Little Star

Sabers is growing sooo fast. She is the most fun little girl I have ever met! She loves to eat baby food and rice cereal. I am so thankful because Ammon is a little turd when it comes to eating what I want him to. She will even eat the nasty peas. She started saying Mama about a week ago and she will try to copy you when you spit or cough. It is so dang cute. She has the cutest personality. I am so thankful that this baby is in my life. She makes me a better person.